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Thank you for participating in our training session. Please help us improve by filling out a brief evaluation form. Your feedback on the content, delivery, and materials is invaluable. We appreciate your input and dedication to enhancing our training programs.

Did your facilitator introduce him/herself?
Did you have an opportunity to introduce yourself to the class?
Did your facilitator assist you in the completion of your Portfolio of Evidence?
Was the concept of Learnerships/Skills Development Programmes explained?
Was Unit Standard based training explained to you in terms of: • Definition of a Unit Standard? • Components of a Unit Standard?
Did your facilitator explain you the concept of formative and summative assessment?
Did your facilitator inform you of Learner Grievance and Appeals procedures & policy?
Was the Code of Conduct and discipline discussed with you?
Did you understand the items of the orientation?
Did our facilitator explain to you the reasons for training /assessment?
Did the facilitator inform you on what unit standard/s you will be trained/assessed on?
Did you understand the questions the facilitator/assessor asked you?
Did your assessor provide you with feedback on how you did during Training/ assessment?
Did you understand the feedback?
Did you like the assessment process?
Was assessment time period sufficient?
Were your expectations met regarding the training/ assessment?
Was the content of the training/assessment relevant?
How would you rate the quality and condition of the learning materials, tools, etc.?
Was the training material readily available?
Did you receive your learning material on time?
Did you achieve your goals?
Did you understand the content of the training?
Did your assessor provide you with feedback on how you did during Training/ assessment?
Did your facilitator allow enough time to address all learner’s queries?
Did he/she handle questions well?
Were appropriate training tools & techniques such as case studies and group discussions used?
Are you satisfied with the facilitator's overall presentation of the course?
Were you encouraged to ask questions?
Were there any support structure available?
Were problems raised by you resolved, if any?
Overall Rating
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